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This function retrieves the file path to the BirdNET labels file on your system corresponding to a specified language. This file contains all class labels supported by the BirdNET model.

For a custom model, the path of the custom labels file is returned.


labels_path(model, ...)

# S3 method for class 'birdnet_model_custom'
labels_path(model, ...)

# S3 method for class 'birdnet_model_tflite'
labels_path(model, language, ...)

# S3 method for class 'birdnet_model_protobuf'
labels_path(model, language, ...)



A BirdNET model object.


Additional arguments passed to the method dispatch function.


character. Specifies the language code for which the labels path is returned. The language must be one of the available languages supported by the BirdNET model.


A character string representing the file path to the labels file for the specified language.


The language parameter must be one of the available languages returned by available_languages().


if (FALSE) { # interactive()
model <- birdnet_model_tflite(version = "v2.4")
labels_path(model, "fr")