Download & Setup

GUI installer

You can download the latest BirdNET-Analyzer installer for Windows and MacOS from our Releases page. This installer provides an easy setup process for running BirdNET-Analyzer on your system. Make sure to check to select the correct installer for your system.


Installation was only tested on M1 and M2 chips.
Feedback on older Intel CPUs or newer M3 chips is welcome!

Raven Pro

If you want to analyze audio files without any additional coding or package install, you can now use Raven Pro software to run BirdNET models. After download, BirdNET is available through the new “Learning detector” feature in Raven Pro.

For more information on how to use this feature, please visit the Raven Pro Knowledge Base.

Download the newest model version here, extract the zip-file and move the extracted folder to the Raven models folder. On Windows, the models folder is C:\Users\<Your user name>\Raven Pro 1.6\Models. Start Raven Pro and select BirdNET_GLOBAL_6K_V2.4_Model_Raven as learning detector.

Python Package

The easiest way to setup BirdNET on your machine is to install birdnetlib or birdnet through pip with:

pip install birdnetlib


pip install birdnet

Please take a look at the birdnetlib user guide on how to analyze audio with birdnetlib.

When using the birdnet-package, you can run BirdNET with:

from pathlib import Path
from birdnet.models import ModelV2M4

# create model instance for v2.4
model = ModelV2M4()

# predict species within the whole audio file
species_in_area = model.predict_species_at_location_and_time(42.5, -76.45, week=4)
predictions = model.predict_species_within_audio_file(

# get most probable prediction at time interval 0s-3s
prediction, confidence = list(predictions[(0.0, 3.0)].items())[0]
print(f"predicted '{prediction}' with a confidence of {confidence:.6f}")
# predicted 'Poecile atricapillus_Black-capped Chickadee' with a confidence of 0.814056

For more examples and documentation, make sure to visit

For any feature request or questions regarding birdnet, please add an issue or PR at

Command line installation

Requires Python 3.10. or 3.11.

Clone the repository

git clone
cd BirdNET-Analyzer

Install the packages

pip install .


If you also want to use the GUI, you need to install the additional packages with: pip install .[gui]. Same goes for server and training tools: pip install .[server] and pip install .[train].

Use pip install .[all] to install all packages.

Verify the installation

python -m birdnet_analyzer.analyze <some-audio-file.wav>